Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Associations and context: How LSI Works

Whenever a user looks for a particular term or phrase online -  for instance, McDonalds' Quarter Pounder - the main objective of search engines, particularly Google, is to identify whether that user is searching for information about burgers, a weight-related concern, or a McDonald's in his area. In essence, this is how the whole process of how a user's environment, locale or any other associated matters influence and provide context to a particular online search.

Bearing that aim in mind, Google has transitioned from placing priority on keyword density to putting context on top of their priority list. Its search engine crawlers determine cues for what web users are actually searching for on the Web whenever they type data. This process of latent semantic indexing plays a key role in enhancing today's search engine technology to better understand user queries as well as offering answers organically.

 Image From: http://spamhunt.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/What-Is-Latent-Semantic-Indexing-636x330.png

Your goal therefore as a website owner or business is to integrate rich and appropriate context into your web pages so that you Google can provide you with the right target audience. Now more than ever, it has become crucial that your ad copies and site texts answer visitor queries holistically, so that you go beyond sufficing their main search needs, and address their desires, associated background and environment as well.

Let's take another example. When someone looks for overseas employment, it's also likely that he would be searching for information on citizenship, visas and other worker-related details. When creating content, try to always integrate this kind of intensive knowledge-seeking and offering of key terms and ideas that are relevant to the topic at hand.

You can test how LSI works by typing a particular phrase on the search tab. You will see that the top result   often contains great and catchy information on the home page. What you could do is copy that specific URL, go to Google's Keyword Tool then select website content. Place that URL into the box and check  Include other pages on my site linked from this URL. Click search and you will see the tool yielding relevant keywords revolving around the same idea.

If you understand it sufficiently, LSI does not only help you achieve better rankings, but it also provide you with a headstart on the direction that you should go with your content. If you're pretty knowledgeable about ideologies and associations related to your niche or topic, developing in-depth and catchy context and copies targeted towards your audience will be simpler and easier.