Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Handling a Social Media Blunder

Even the most careful of people trip on their feet. That is to say, businesses aren’t exactly protected from making mistakes online. Some do falter, and sometimes it yields grave effects.

Learning how to handle these blunders can help alleviate the situation and can restore your relationship with your audience. Take note of these helpful tips:

Let people talk
Don’t fuel their hate by deleting and suppressing negative feedback. Let them air out their frustrations.

Acknowledge and Apologize
The thing that drives people nuts is when a business doesn’t own up to its mistake and defends itself against negative comments. When you make a mistake, let your pride down and apologize to your audience, especially to those who were directly affected. When people see that you admit your error, their fury will die down eventually.

Reach out
But apologizing isn't the only thing you should do. You have to reach out to your audience to further extinguish the flame. Respond to negative tweets or comments; the more personalized and sincere your responses are, the better.

Monitor the crisis
Usually, the quicker you act, the faster people forget, but that will always depend on the circumstance and the gravity of the situation. Keep monitoring your social media to learn how to manage the crisis more effectively. There are programs you can use to make monitoring easier for you.

Create Powerful Content
After you’re done extinguishing most of the flame, it’s time to create content in form of article, images, videos or infographics to bury all negative effects of the blunder and revive your social media presence.

Seek help when needed
When your business can’t manage the crisis on your own, you can hire an agency that can assist you in responding to the crisis. 9DotStrategies offers an Online Reputation Management service that can help you gain back your former glory.

Remember, it’s best to plan beforehand to limit the damage caused to your reputation. But when disaster strikes, contact 9DotStrategies!